Axe's recent marketing approach proved to be the smartest move they could've ever made. Introduced to televisions everywhere in March of 2007, the phrase "Bom Chicka Wah Wah" rapidly became a popular catchphrase used in teenage conversations all across the nation. The popularity of Axe's new campaign can be attributed to the source of the catchprase. According to UrbanDictionary.com, this onimonapia is supposed to stand for guitar "Porn-riff" from the 1970s. Pairing nicely with the overwhelmingly sexual feel of Axe's commericals, "Bom Chicka Wah Wah" is proving to be a very successful marketing technique. A spokesman representing Axe says that the purpose of the new campaign was "to subvert the language of lust by creating a phrase that would become synonymous, not only with improved fragrances, but also irresistible physical attraction."
The names of Axe's different scents support the campagin that is centered around the teenage male and his "mojo". Names such as Touch, Essence, and Vice (which "turns nice girls naughty"), Axe must be doing something right. The overload of sexual messages continue onto the internet, where commericals are posted by the dozen on YouTube and where, upon visiting the website, one will encounter such messages: "Science shows that Axe's improved fragrance acts upon the female libido and stimulates the clothing-removal section of the female brain. Which means you can fulfill more of your manly desires. One application of the new improved axe and you'll smell like a hunk of man candy all day long. Which is good, because babes like man candy. Lots."
The trend in fragranced body sprays is, really, the best thing that could ever have happened to the youth of America. Before Axe, a high school would reak with the smell of gross boy body odor, now, schools just smell like Axe. So, in this situation, everyone wins: Axe is making a ton of money, high schools smell better, and, hey, maybe teenage guys really are getting hot chicks.
But, probably not.
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